In Which I Resume Blogging

Necessity required me to step away from blogging for several weeks but I'm back and curious about all that I've missed. Please write in the comments below anything of interest regarding Team Russia since, let's say, May. I know that 2017 Spartakiade came and went with Astafyeva and Klimenko impressing in big ways. I also know European champion, Maria Kharnekova, is healthy and training as is World champion, Maria Paseka, who seems recovered from her spinal injury. In rhythmic, all I know is that GP Holon had some unexpected podium results: the Averina's had uncharacteristic mistakes and Bravikova bested them twice with scores in the 19's and two gold medals. I also read that Alina Kabaeva became the first FIG Ambassador for World Championships Pesaro'17.

Whenever I step away from gymnastics for any period of time I expect to come back to news of marriages, pregnancies, divorces, injuries, retirements, and drama. So what's up with Team Russia because I have not a clue.


  1. What do you think of the drama surrounding komova's comeback?

  2. I admit to being more into RG this year than usual because things w/AG looked so bleak around Euros. It's more fun to watch the torch be passed on in Vinerland than the struggle to keep it lit on the AG side of things. Now I'm trying to catch up on everything since Euros. I'm definitely excited for worlds in general because of how open things look across the board, including for Russia - I loved the 2012 group and started following gymnastics mainly because of them, but now with everyone gone except Paseka it feels like the attention is finally, undividedly on the younger group. So things might change when it's closer to worlds and things look clearer, but right now the suspense of wondering who is going to step up is exciting! I still kind of get the feeling that this might turn out like 2009, but you never know. There's a lot of opportunity there.

    1. [just in case it wasn't clear, "bleak" = coaching and team management side of things, no indication that any of the problems of the last few years were going to be addressed. Not the girls themselves! It just got very discouraging watching what was happening to Melnikova in particular, and knowing she wasn't being put in a good position to be happy and succeed.]

    2. I meant drama concerning when will komova compete. Will it be russia cup, worlds or voronin cup?

    3. Oh yeah I feel you on the RG vs WAG front. I'm into RG right now, it's mainly what i've spent the last two days catching up on. I feel like not even Komova knows when she'll compete. I mean, her camp's never been good with timelines so I'd say it's Voronin before we see her. would be just like them to announce her comeback for Voronin then have her compete one and a half events at the Cup and send her to World's just like that lol.

  3. Who do you think will be at russian cup?

    1. I don't know how to answer this; Whoever is alive by then? I can at least say I don't expect Komova but Paseka seems a safe bet, along with the regular contenders.

  4. About Melka, I remember seeing a rumor awhile back that she's no longer with her personal coach and furthermore is under national team staff instead of finding a new one. Do you know if there's truth to this? It seems like a terrible idea for so many reasons if true. You'd think she'd be able to find another coach to take her on if she felt she needed a change, even if it's limited to Rodionenko-approved ones. It's not like Aliya's situation where she was literally persona non grata and probably didn't trust anyone in Round Lake following London.

    Maybe just a rumor though? It might explain some things like her insane competition schedule if it's true.

    1. Afan had a baby boy.

    2. I'm on the fence about the Melka rumor. A change of tutelage could be beneficial but it's never good when a gymnast doesn't have a personal coach, as the lack of direction is bound to show up in their results. But maybe it's just a rumor.


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