Kapitonova Replaces Paseka...Not!

I guaranteed this wouldn't be the last shakeup to the team and less than 24 hours after that statement, Seda replaced Kapitonova as the new Euros member. Lol, should they even announce teams anymore until they board a plane? Despite my annoyance at the flip flopping, this replacement feels right. Seda can take Daria's spot on fx, Paseka's spot on vt and do beam and bars if other girls decide not to (I heard they really want Afan to give beam a go so she might not compete that apparatus, at least in quals). Even though Seda has a lot of energy and power, excuse my discourtesy, but I don't think she's a great floor worker. It strikes me as odd that her tumbling always seems too easy or too troublesome. I know that the Russians consider anyone with power to be a defacto floor worker, regardless of talent, but I think accuracy is more important than anything else to get a good score on the event. I view Seda as someone who shows good execution and difficulty on vt, ub, and bb. Her current floor routine doesn't exploit her strengths, as evidenced by the D-score, and her execution is pretty blase' for such a basic set. I would love for her to try some of these moves: forward double to 1.5 to punch front (or 1.5 to 1.5 punch front), whip whip to DLO to stag, L-turn to semenova turn, and triple spin to a Khorkina. They're more dream skills than realistic things she might be capable of but I tried to minimize her landing deductions with leaps or jumps added to the ends of a diagonal. As an aside, putting together dream skills makes me realize how boring our current CoP is, everyone is doing exactly the same things. 

Anyways, whatever Seda shows in Bern, may it be good and score good, because her future prospects depend on it! Good luck Tut. 
