Alexeeva's Qualifier Vids

Irina scored a 55.6 to qualify for US elite. Her beam d-score is amazing for her age but- to borrow a phrase from BBC- she's not 'attacking the apparatus' is she? I infinitely prefer the composition of her 2014 BB. Her bars routine is a modified version of what she's truly capable of, but I do like this dismount over last year's double layout so I hope that stays. As for her floor, I'm not a fan, and if she still has Russia in her sights they've got a lot of work to do on this one. However- HOWEVER- she has a 5.8 d-score which is higher than all but three Russian floor routines from last year so if they did accept her, her US training comes with its benefits. And her dance skills are done nicely enough so the bones of a great routine is in there. But yeah, that choreography...yeesh. Tsk tsk WOGA.

D 6.2
E 7.9

D 5.6
E 8.7

D 5.8
E 7.6 (-.300 pen)

Well, what do you think?
