Bread & Circus

Starting in 2018, artistic gymnastics will take part in a dual city, multi-sporting event in Europe: the European Championships! 


Doesn't gymnastics already have one of those thingies every year? Well yeah, but what makes THIS championships different is that other sports will be holding their 'Euros' at the same time, so it's really bringing the continent together. Plus, think of the coverage!


...doesn't Europe already have an existing multi-sport event that fulfills precisely the same function? 
Yes. But this one will take place every four years so it will be unique in its scope. 


...doesn't the European Games also only take place every four years? And doesn't that event go a step further by bringing all of the gymnastics disciplines together? 

Sheesh! Okay, fine, I admit I don't know what the heck is going on. I was under the impression that Europe was under a huge deficit, what with all these governments slashing pensions [and refugee benefits], threatening to exit the EU, and even defunding things that promote sport, like community centers. But this latest billion dollar extravaganza is just the thing to take our minds off those mundane issues, like wars and no exit strategies and stuff. Now, I believe that even when unpleasantness surrounds us, humans are extraordinary in finding normality in it so my complaint is not that every energy and resource be devoted to fixing the EU & foreign policy crisis in neglect of everything else. No, not at all- sport and exercise are too beneficiary to the citizenry. I simply point out that in the context of all the real debt most European nations are in, nourishing athleticism should come in the form of aiding the institutions and programs responsible for development, not hosting more games. When I think of Great Britain's top two Olympian-producing gyms being threatened with closure, I get angry at the country's dwindling resources being dumped into such a superficial target. 

Btw, the UEG is obviously not the brainchild of this idea; they just signed on to the concept. I do worry for the juniors that have to take part in YOG and this new thingy in the same month, but it's workable I guess. It's interesting actually; the YOG- criticized by several media outlets when concieved- is another multi-sport event that's been accused of not having any clearer purpose than to fill the pockets of the IOC and its corporate partners. It's also important to note that the European Games is a subsidiary of the Olympics and might one day serve as a qualification to the OG, (just in case the existence of the new European Championships didn't baffle you enough). 

Let the Scottish Minister of Sport try to convince you how much of a "totally new concept in European sport" it is right here

Have a good day, readers. I have much updating to do on this site, but I've begun several drafts so things will pick up shortly. So much has been happening in AG & RG...

Be excited... for something you've never ever seen before is about to happen
