Stuttgart AA Live Commentary

Hold your head up, dear. There are things to be proud of .
Well, that's the end of the competition. Seda did not get on a podium she was more than capable of winning. The silver lining is that she's been hitting bars consistently for a year now and her upgraded set looks gorgeous. Plus, she nailed her beam routine this time around; her priority must be showing consistency, but will there be enough competitions left for her to prove that she is a different competitor than last year? According to Valentina, Russian Nationals & the Cup will hold more weight than what the girls do here but it would be naive to assume that coaches are not going to take into consideration how international judges are scoring girls with hit routines (Dasha's 15.6 ub vs. Seda's 14.8 bb) and how the girls are competing their new programs when they go abroad. I fear Seda's time has run out with the Rod's even if they aren't admitting it, [but maybe I'm just being grumpy and pessimistic because it's early in the morning where I am]. 
Congratulations to the medalists, and great job to Seda, who showed true character by coming back strong on her weakest and trickiest events, after an early disaster on vault. You're a fighter, babe.  

Rotation 4 Standings

Rotation 4 FX Results

Seda knew she could have done better on FX: 

Seda (RUS): Yea that routine is not gonna get her on the podium. Bounced way oob on a whip to double pike. All the landings were iffy but a solid set overall #criesforever
Amelia (USA): Wow on the opening pass: DLO to split leap stuck cold. Piked full in stuck as well. Nice triple spin. Last two passes were underrated but not too badly and she reined in the landings. Very nice.
Schafer (GER): The best effing quad spin I've ever seen. She has lovely rhythm. Landings were ok as well.
Celine (NED): Creative choreography, which we've come to expect from the Dutch. Stuck landings (one foot oob on dismount). She's working hard to get the audience into the routine but I don't think her dancing fits with this whimsical music. The audience is convinced to start clapping along anyways. If you sell it they'll buy it, folks. 
Rebecca (GBR): Performing to Ferlito's old music but without the performance ability of that renowned gymnast. No energy at all (not even the audience seemed into it). Falls on a double arabian. Nice attempt at some difficulty since she's been out so long.  
Rotation 4 Standings (things are close)

Rotation 3 BB Results

International Friendships
LOL there's Amelia and Isabella chatting and laughing and then there's Seda
Isabella (CAN): Nearly falls twice but gets a 14.433 while Seda's flawless set with the same difficulty barely gets rewarded. 
Amelia (USA): Really solid set with stuck landing (a lil low tho) but honestly the camera zoomed in on her feet for a third of the routine so I can't say for sure how it's gonna score and if it's deserved lol.
Seda (RUS): 14.8. Huh.

Seda (RUS): Excellent job. Nailed both layouts and was very secure in all other landings. I wish she was more consistent with this routine because when she hits it looks so easy, you swear she could upgrade. Alas, I'm afraid of what will happen if she does. 
Celine (NED): Nice opening choreo and really nice leaps but she comes of on RO+LO.
Elisa (ITA): She moves nicely but continues to give up on the new layout full if her feet aren't perfectly on the beam. Like, she just comes off and doesn't fight. Falls on double turn as well, her third of the day. She's disheartened. 12 point something, didn't catch it.  
Rotation 2 Standings
Rotation 2 UB Results

Sophie (GER): Beautiful set. The only noticeable error was a short handstand right before the dismount, but the rest was Euros medal worthy. 15.033. Maybe a lil underscored based on how the others were scored so leniently with gross form and wacko technique.
Rebecca (GBR): 14.366; I think they gave her an e-score in the high 7's (on the assumption that she was credited a 6.4 d-score)but she shouldn't have gotten above a 7.4 with those handstands and flexed feet and bent arms. I could go on...
Seda (RUS): She added the bhardwaj!!! And her handstands were much improved. Yes, girl. 14.433!

Elisa (ITA): Sloppy and rushed on UB. She made a mistake when kipping up and had to re-do it but otherwise a solid set. Nice double front dismount. 12.766
Rotation 2 Start List

Rotation 2 Warm Up: LOL Who is this commentator. He's so random (but at least he's not being a jerk)
Rotation 1 Scores
Rotation 1: Seda VT (5.8) 13.933
Rotation 1: Seda's last to go. Seda just vaulted and OMG what happened to Russia on vault. Yesterday the girls in the team event all had falls or super sloppy form and now Seda's DTY has regressed so much since World's. Oh my. I can't believe she fell.


  1. Thanks for this. Ugh I just want one competition from Seda this year where she hits to her potential, even if she misses the team (which I agree it doesn't look good for her). That's one of the best bars I've ever seen her do.

    1. When I started this blog I would've jumped down Seda's throat and joined the popular bandwagon of russia-bashing, but running this website has mellowed me out A LOT b/c I realize I have a responsibility to russian gymnastics fans to be insightful and analytical instead of caving to whatever rash emotions overcome me when faced with disappointing results. Six months ago, I probably wouldn't have seen anything in Seda's performance to be happy about; back then I focused too much on the big picture (she failed AA: panic!) instead of also looking at the details and seeing if anything significant stood out. I hope it can be said that I'm more thorough now in my commentary on Russian WAG: I'll never offer false hope about our situation, but I don't believe things are as 'doomsday bad' with Russia as the larger gymternet community would like us to believe. Even as I despair the day our veteran leaders will retire, I'm optimistically writing articles on our excellent junior squadron (which you can read in a few days). It furthermore makes me happy to know that Russian gymnasts have long careers so if it's not meant to be Seda's time this quad, she can certainly rise into a leadership role in the coming years. In 2017, without the serious and urgent stakes of an impending Olympics, let's hope she's finally able to relax her high strung emotions and just compete beautifully for the love of sport and country. Indeed, when I look at the longevity of careers like Afanasyeva, Kramarenko, Elizarova, and Fedorova, I am sure we have not seen the last of Seda. Which is good because, as you've mentioned, we've yet to see the best of her :)

    2. Oh I agree, she has a huge opportunity in front of her next year when the London girls likely retire to become a new leader. All the younger girls do, really, which is why I'm excited about next quad regardless of what happens w/the program leadership situation (which I think is the cause of 95% of Russian WAG pessimism). And something about Seda that's always impressed me is she comes out fighting on her next events after she misses, even if it doesn't always go as planned :)

      Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the juniors!


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