The Saga Continues...
Anastasia Dmitrieva replaces Aliya as the official alternate (yippee! so happy she got picked over Shelgunova)*. Aliya will still travel with Team Russia as a guest for Glasgow, basically to act as a therapist/mother/best friend/psychologist to this nervous bunch of girls. Summed up nicely here:
*Looking around on VK, I realize not everyone is happy with this decision, and many prefer Shelgy for her potential beam and floor scores. In any case, the last decision will be made on the the 14th so nothing is set in stone (as usual)...
*Looking around on VK, I realize not everyone is happy with this decision, and many prefer Shelgy for her potential beam and floor scores. In any case, the last decision will be made on the the 14th so nothing is set in stone (as usual)...
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