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Zhenya & Dasha Will Get Their Day in the Sun
Daria Skrypnik and Evgenia Shelgunova will be the last of the contenders to receive an international test when they attend WC Varna from May 13-15th. Zhenya will unofficially do AA and Dasha will perform UB, BB, FX. The nominative list is here. Given how little international experience either girl possesses, I have lower expectations than the group that was sent to Osijek. At the Russian Student Championships, held on April 25th, Zhenya scored a 59.7 in AA, but by now we've all figured out the nature of her victories. As neither girl is A-team material, this is about crossing T's and dotting I's for the Rodionenko's, assuring that the job of assessing each valuable player was done fairly and completely. After Varna, every girl Valentina said was on the long-list would have at least one int'l comp under her belt. Ironically, it's the veterans with the assured spots who stand without spring competitions. A live stream for Varna has not yet been found but I will update if that information becomes available.
Have a good day, readers.
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